ソフトトウェア工学や要求工学の研究で世界的な成果を挙げておられるアイルランドのUniversity of Limrick教授であったKevin Ryan教授をお招きして,下記のの要領で講演会を開催致します.多数の皆様の参加をお待ちしております.
テーマ:変化の時代におけるソフトウェアプロセス(Software Processes for a Changing World)
■講 師:Dr. Kevin Ryan, Professor, Lero (The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre), Ireland
■日 程:2016年3月17(木) 10:30-12:00
■会 場:南山大学名古屋キャンパス S棟2F S24教室[キャンパスマップ]
      (地下鉄名城線 名古屋大学駅1番出口より 徒歩15分)


■参加申込み: 準備の都合により,3月16日(木)17:00までに,添付の書式でメールで参加申込みをお送り願います.なお,時間内に参加申込をお送りできない場合は,直接会場へお越し下さい
■問い合せ先: 南山大学 理工学部 ソフトウェア工学科 青山 幹雄
           メール: seminar@nise.org
, Tel: 052-832-3278
The most remarkable feature of the modern world is constant and rapid change. Our software systems must be able to reflect and facilitate this change. Increasingly and in many application domains, software is the key enabler of innovation, service improvement and constant evolution but in many domains the level of quality that is needed can only be reached by freezing the software after exhaustive and exhausting testing. Working with leading software companies Lero is developing methods and processes that support software evolution both at the design stage and during runtime. The challenge is to meet the stringent requirements of some domains while facilitating this evolution. Agile methods have taken over as the default development process and, despite the skepticism of many traditional developers, have been successfully adapted by Lero to meet the needs of highly regulated industries. This example illustrates how methods and processes themselves must evolve to meet the changing needs of process users.

Professor Kevin Ryan is emeritus Professor of Information Technology at the University of Limerick (UL) and founding Director of Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre. Kevin Ryan holds degrees of BA (Maths & Economics), BAI (Engineering) and PhD (Computer Science) from Trinity College Dublin and is a fellow of both the Irish Computer Society and the Institute of Engineers of Ireland. Over the past 35 years, he has lectured and researched on software topics in universities and industry in Ireland, the UK, the USA, Africa and Sweden. He has been an adviser to the Irish government on the development of the Irish software industry and has acted as consultant to industry and to international funding bodies. He has published papers on software engineering methods and tools, software requirements engineering and on the role of technology in development. He served on the editorial board of 3 journals. He has been a director of a number of start-up software companies..
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To: seminar@nise.org
Subject: 南山大学ソフトウェア工学科2015年度第3回講演会参加申し込み

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2015年度 第3回 ソフトウェア工学グローバル講演会