The first AuRE workshop, AuRE '04, has been run very successfully 2004, when RE was in Kyoto. We had more
than 50 participants, 2 keynotes, 8 Presentations (in two parallel tracks),
vivid discussions and the clear vote of the participants to have a follow-up
Motivation and Object
Over the last years, software has become a major force in automotive business.
Modern premium cars often embody more than 50 electronic control units
with several hundreds of thousands lines of software running on them. More
than 80 percent of automotive innovations are driven by electronics, and
amongst them, 90 percent are implemented by means of software. A large
portion of this software is not implemented by the OEMs themselves but
by external suppliers. Without proper requirements engineering, mature
software and system development is hardly possible. But not only the high
system complexity and OEM-supplier relationships force rigid requirements
engineering. Sometimes we also see distributed development activities,
where, for example, a software subcontractor implements part of the software,
COTS components are integrated or needs from globally distributed departments
have to be considered properly. In these settings, requirements management
becomes even more challenging.
Especially in the last few years, automotive industry has intensified its efforts to improve their RE processes and practices. Local, often industry-focues RE conferences (like the REConf in Germany) often provide automotive tracks.
The workshop "Automotive Requirements Engineering" aims to bring together practitioners and researchers to discuss problems in this area as well as potential or even implemented solutions.
Relevant topics but are not limited to
Needs and challenges of Automotive RE(Requirements Engineering)
Experience, case studies and lessons learned in Automotive RE
Processes and methodology for automotive RE
Exploitation of graphical/visual and/or formal representation in automotive RE
Implementation of new requirements engineering methods in Automotive RE
Object-Orientation and Aspect-Orientation techniques in Automotive RE
RE for product-line Automotive software/systems development
Tool support selection, customization and environment for Automotive RE
The accepted papers will be electronically published on the workshop webpage.
Please send your paper in either PDF or MS
Word to
All paper submissions should be in the IEEE CS Press Proceedings format
(see and
not exceed 10 pages in length.
For all queries, please contact also to
Paper Submissions: June 15, 2006 June 23, 2006 [Deadline Extended]
Notifications to Authors: July 17, 2006
Camera-Ready Papers Submissions: July 31, 2006